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7 Creative Ways to Enhance Your Health


Improving your health is a great goal, no matter your current health status or age. Unfortunately, finding new ways to enhance your health that are also maintainable can be difficult, especially if this is the first time you’ve decided to dedicate time, effort, and even money to improving your well-being. But, of course, that’s why you have us. Whether you have a health condition like essential tremor or you’re simply wondering how you can improve your physical and mental health, there are several ways to get creative with it. Here are just a few creative ways to enhance your health: 

1. Dance

While some types of dancing can involve technical skills, dancing at home alone doesn’t have to be beautiful to improve your health. Instead of sitting in front of the television, consider moving to the music and burning calories while doing it. Any dance moves that get your heart pumping can improve your mood while helping you burn calories. 

If having a dance party alone doesn’t sound so fun, consider dancing throughout the day. For example, the next time you’re carrying laundry from one room to the next, consider adding in some of your coolest dance moves to help keep you energized. 

2. Create a Positivity Calendar

A positivity calendar is a calendar that reminds you of something positive every day. For example, if the first thing you do is wake up and think about all the chores you have to do or deadlines, you’ll likely stress yourself out before you even get out of bed. However, having a positive calendar can help you remember the reasons why your life is so great in the first place. You can use a print calendar or the app on your phone and add an event every day of the week that compliments or motivates you. 

3. Declutter Your Fridge

You’ve heard the mental health benefits of decluttering your home, but what about your fridge? If something falls out every time you open your fridge, it’s time to clean and disinfect your fridge and consider your food choices. Does your fridge need to be so stocked things fall out? Decluttering your fridge will allow you to look at the types of foods you choose at the grocery store. You can decide whether or not the foods you eat daily are positively or negatively impacting your health and if you’re simply purchasing too much and it’s going bad. 

In addition, this will finally allow you to eliminate any foods you wish were no longer in your home. So all those bags of opened chips, pretzels, and chocolates you want to get rid of but haven’t yet should be on the top of your list. 

4. Adopt a Pet

Adopting a pet is good for your health in more ways than one. For example, being a pet parent to a dog can keep you more active because they require daily exercise, which may mean waking up early for a thirty-minute walk or going for a jog around the block after work. Whatever the case, dogs can improve your physical health. 

In addition, pets of all kinds are good for your mental health. Even when they’re not forcing you to go on walks, having a pet can reduce stress. Simply walking through the door after a long day of work and seeing your best friend standing in front of you with their tail wagging can improve your mental health immediately. 

5. Sleep More

This tip isn’t necessarily creative but is essential for your overall health. Getting enough sleep every night will improve every aspect of your health by giving your mind and body time to relax and rejuvenate after a long day. If you’ve ever had poor sleep the night before an important day, you know exactly what we’re talking about when we say you need quality sleep. 

Six to eight hours of sleep is recommended for adults, but many people find that seven hours of sleep is the sweet spot. If you have difficulty falling asleep, you can think of creative ways to form a nighttime routine, such as doing yoga an hour before bed or putting on your pajamas every night at the same time to help your mind wind down. If this doesn’t seem to help, you should consider changing your mattress out for one that is comfortable and aids in consistent sleep for you. 

6. Keep a Journal 

Keeping a journal is another creative way to enhance your health. Since journaling is a personal experience, you can write about anything you want, including how your day went and the personal goals you have for yourself. In addition, you can keep track of any health goals you’ve set for yourself using your journal. 

You should always write about the positive aspects of your day in your journal. For example, if your work performance was complimented, you could put it in your journal to remind yourself the next time you’re worried about your performance. Of course, you should also keep track of daily wins regarding your health. For example, if you finally found the energy to hop on the treadmill in the morning, you can write about how it made you feel and why you should do it again. 


7. Find Activities You Enjoy

The easiest way to improve your health is to find physical activities you enjoy. Of course, while some individuals like going for morning runs, others can’t stand the thought of waking up early just to exercise. There’s a fun physical activity for everyone, so you may have to experiment to find one you enjoy. 

If you have difficulty finding something to do, you can talk to your friends and find out what activities they enjoy. For example, you might try going on a hike or attending a weekly pilates class at the gym with your friends to make exercise more enjoyable. 

Improving Your Health

Everyone is different, and how you enhance your health will depend on your goals. For example, individuals who want to lose weight might engage in calorie tracking, while those who want to focus on their mental health may invest in meditation apps. Of course, it’s not only to find something that works for you but to find something that you can do several times a week, if not daily. 


Megan Isola

Megan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico. She enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends. 


Megan Isola

Megan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico. She enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends.

Megan Isola
Megan Isolahttps://urblogpost.com
Megan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico. She enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends.

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